By Nick Hopton
“Where is the magic in the world today?”
Given the state of the world that we live in…no greater question could be asked. Pep Rally, a Philadelphia based band created by MilkBoy founder Tommy Joyner, poses this question to us in an upbeat, whimsical manner in the debut single “Turn Up The Radio (Own The Night)”. One that ignites a sense of hope, rather than fear. Optimism rather than pessimism.
That glass half full mentality.
A funky, pop rock number that invokes fond memories of the late 80s/early 90’s, Joyner builds a simple guitar riff into a broad, city cruising landscape. Though simple in its structure, it is dynamic in its nature. This song sounds like a Philly summer. You can feel the humidity in the air it creates, and the freedom in the words it exhumes. This is all about ignoring the world around you and living in the here and now. A theme that many have forgotten over the past few years. As the progression builds, there are heavy Talking Headsvibes that resonate from its soul, especially evident in the bridge, which sounds like David Byrne could have been standing over Joyner’s shoulder while he recorded.
A sound like this is welcome in an age so heavily saturated in the “normal”. It screams to a time of innovation and creativity, one that is so desperately needed now. If this is a sign of things to come, Pep Rally certainly has a bright, sunny future ahead of it.