Reviewed by: Brian Roser
Much like mine, Tom Vek’s Luck is bad. On the first track, it sounds like he hired an electric cow to do the backup singing. While it drones on, and Vek’s lead vocals come in, I realize that a cow would have done a better job. He often doesn’t even sing the words, so much as half-speak them. Nothing rhymes, which can at times be forgiven, but his lyrical poetry isn’t even blank verse. Not only is there no rhyme, there’s also no vocal rhythm, which means his voice doesn’t flow like a river, but flops like a dead fish.
This brings me to the music itself. The instrumentals on the album are actually quite good. Being well versed in multiple instruments, he even plays most of them himself. At 33 years old, this is the Londoner’s third album. He took off for six years between the first and second. He did not use the time to take singing lessons.
Tom Vek is a good musician, but is poor at writing lyrics and an abysmal singer. If he can team up with someone else who has these strengths, Vek will be a part of something that shines. Until then, I will find it difficult to listen to his albums.