by Matt Kelchner
“Perth especially has a pretty unique music scene I’d say. It’s nothing like New York or L.A.,” guitarist Josh Biondillo explains. Biondillo is a member of the Australian indie pop act San Cisco. We were able to pry Biondillo from rehearsals for their current run of summer shows here in the United States just long enough to discuss their newest record, touring here in America and the story behind amazing covers of Taylor Swift’s latest hits.
Biondillo goes on about what makes their hometown’s music scene different. “In Perth, everyone tends to be involved in each other’s projects one way or another.” While the same can be said to a degree in every scene in every city, Biondillo has always noticed it varying to some effect in the US, “there are musicians and artists everywhere and you can hook up with heaps of different people.”
Back in March, the group released their sophomore effort Gracetown via the band’s own label, Island City Records. Biondillo describes how it’s been a long, lengthy journey in making the album. “The record had been in the works pretty much since the last one came out at the end of 2012.”
And the fears of falling into the all too common sophomore slump? Not for Biondillo and company. “To be honest, I really didn’t have overly fond memories of making the first record. So once it was out I was already itching to get another one in the works.” With this eager and ready feeling, the dreaded pressures of the follow up album were washed away.
Fast forward several months and San Cisco is ready to unleash Gracetown to their fans all throughout United States and Canada. Their 16 date tour has them trekking west to east, with Philadelphia and New York being the final two shows. “I look forward to the people, the food and just the big, fat exciting American energy” says Biondillo. But that’s not all he’s looking forward too. “The guitar shops are also very good.”
When asked about their catchy rendition of “Style”, one of the more recent singles off T. Swift’s 1989, Biondillo filled us in on the back story behind it. “So strange how that came about. We literally learned it pretty much as we were playing it on that recording [at a local radio station]. It was actually Jenny’s idea (our fill-in bass player who came on the road with us while Nick had his foot up).” With that said, the chances of hearing it live are pretty slim as they would have to get Nick caught up to speed with the tune. But not all hope is lost explains Biondillo. “Maybe we’ll pull it out sooner or later.”
Traveling back and forth to tour the US always brings about a certain homesick feeling though, even more so than bands who call America home. Biondillo rattles off a number of things he always longs for when he makes the trip across the Pacific. “I miss my house, the beach, the food and my friends and family back home. My bed and my studio. Harry and Frankie. Just my natural habitat, I guess.”
Looking ahead to the future, where might San Cisco take their sound beyond Gracetown? “I have been listening to and getting into a lot of dance music at the moment, mostly revisiting the old Daft Punk records and such,” Biondillo tells me. “Repetitive melodies and phrases combined with traditional San Cisco elements could be a vibe.”
But we might be getting a little too ahead of ourselves. Here in the present, we have plenty of time to take in and digest the collection of new songs that make up Gracetown. It has been a long process for Biondillo and the rest of San Cisco.
So far, it’s been one that has certainly paid off. Fans are already embracing the new tunes wholeheartedly. “People usually get into the quicker ones like ‘Too Much Time Together’, but recently also get into some of the slower ones which is nice as well. Songs like ‘Jealousy’, ‘Magic’ and ‘Super Slow’”.
San Cisco will play Johnny Brenda’s on July 1st. Be sure to look out for our upcoming summer print issue where you can read Matt’s entire interview with San Cisco.