The chance emerging artists have been waiting for.
by Emily Meenan
Check out the two weekend Philadelphia Open Studio Tours coming up next month. POST is a program of The Center for Emerging Visual Arts, which encourages career development for aspiring visual artists. This huge tour of artist studios and creative workspaces will take place October 6-7 on the West side of Broad Street and October 20-21 on the East side of Broad. There will be hundreds of artists opening their studios, free of charge, and selling work. For a fifty dollar registration fee, you can become an even bigger part of this awesome event and gain access to lots of exclusive opportunities. Although the paid spots for the full experience are no longer available, you can still pay a small fee to become an “online only” participant of the Philly Open Studio Tours and still have a fantastic experience and gain tons of knowledge. This event is sponsored by tons of awesome organizations including the World Cafe Live and the Pennsylvania Council of the Arts. To learn more about POST and how to get involved, visit