Only Ghosts
Reviewed by: Lauren Rosier
Fort Worth’s Luke Wade became an instant favorite on Season 7 of NBC’s The Voice with his soulful voice and his natural ability to make any song his own. Now, the singer/songwriter returns with his first release since the show, Only Ghosts, a solid 10-song collection filled with pop, R&B, soul, and rock surely to please any music lover.
Only Ghosts starts out on fire with the super sweet and passionate track, “Passenger Side,” where Wade declares his passion for his significant other as he sings “…I want that sneaking out the back door / just to pick you up love / throwing pebbles at your window / come on baby, let’s go / so let’s find an open road / so I can show you where it goes / we’re feelin’ young and wild and free…”
Wade tackles love in all different phases of the emotion and experience. “Kissing Makeup” is a beautifully written song about loving someone’s natural beauty both inside and out. Its simplicity in its delivery and subject matter makes it one of the strongest tracks on the record.
Wade sings about heartbreak on “While I Was Away” which describes a relationship in turmoil while being on the road and how it can affect a bond between two individuals. Ironically, the song itself is more mellow, while the theme of the song is very emotional.
The lead single, “Three Days,” is one that he’s been performing for a while (at least since I first saw him perform live after The Voice), and it’s definitely one of the strongest tracks on the album as well. It has a super catchy melody to which it’s easy to sing along.
Only Ghosts is solid in its delivery in all aspects. Wade understands how to translate his experiences, and the experiences of others, into songs that are therapeutic to himself and that touch the hearts and minds of all his listeners and fans.
Rating: Bad-Ass