At Home
Reviewed by: Leslie Snyder
Take out the headphones for this amazing Georgia-based meditative rock duo called Keep Shelly in Athens. The duo’s latest album At Home features thirteen soul stirring tracks that are about experiencing disappointment and being able to find peace in life. The vocals are angelic and the lyrics are honest and easy to understand. One can easily relate to the situations presented in this album. For example, the first track “Time Exists Only to Betray Us” features sorrowful vocals that sounds like a person is weeping about having to face constant disappointment over being bitten by society. This track also features smooth, but “eerie” meditative rock melodies bringing out the sad tone of this track.
Meanwhile, the second track ”Oostende” has a more soothing tone featuring soft vocals and breezy meditative rock melodies that will cleanse one’s soul. This track is a peaceful tale about a person who has finally found peace in life after years of self doubt. Overall, this album is an absolute musical masterpiece with heartfelt lyrics and calming songs.
Rating: Iconic