by Brittney Cooridean
In life, we all have our firsts; and for the most part, we like them. Whether it’s your first kiss, first time you hear a band you love, winning first in a competition… it always feels so good. So, for Central Bucks High School West, their students must be completely elated to be the first high school in the world to acquire a Seaboard GRAND keyboard.
This instrument is so innovative and ingenious; it’s actually hard to put into words. To be best described, there is a video on the developers’ website ( that demonstrates the sound and versatility the GRAND can create. The CBW’s Seaboard is only the 12th production instrument ever created and in celebration of acquiring the revolutionary keyboard, there will be a concert this Saturday, January 17th in CBW’s auditorium.
There really are just a handful of people across the globe who had the ability to get their hands, or fingers, on one of these things. The Seaboard GRAND will be featured in ensembles and solos throughout the show and performed by current students as well as guest composers that consists of the school’s alumni. Joining them will be special guests Cory Henry (Grammy-Award winning solo artist and keyboardists for the band Snarky Puppy) and Graeme Burgan (local professional pianist and CBW Choir accompanist).
Interesting fact: Snarky Puppy is pretty big on musical education so the fact they have a band member supporting the noteworthy event- when some schools are cutting this kind of program- is pretty gnarly.
During the weekend of the show, videographers from Roli will be filming/interviewing the students to create a documentary for the Seaboard GRAND. Not only do they hope to capture the fact that these students are some of the first musicians (not just students) to make music with the instrument, but also shed some light on the educational potential it really has. Also, the students went through some great lengths to get their hands on this, including entering contests and holding fundraisers, so that will also be portrayed in the film.
All guests are also invited to the pre-show clinics and lectures that will go over the technology, overview and background of the instrument. Cory Henry will be hosting his own special clinic in the late afternoon.
VIP ticket holders are invited to reserved seating and a post-show gathering. All the information can be found on the websites listed below, so if you’re looking to be amazed by both an extraordinary, breakthrough instrument and young musical talent, this would be the event for you.