The Hum
Reviewed by: Rebecca Robinson
The Hum, the latest album by the group Hookworms, is worth the gritted teeth of getting through the first song to hear the whole album.
Upon first listen, “The Impasse”, the first song on the album, is um, jarring. Towards the end of the song, the listener is blasted with
loud, intense screaming guitars and vocals, as though attempting to overload the listener’s senses. The second song on the album is a complete 180 and, frankly, is a relief after the bombardment. Although the rest of the album is still guitar-centric with strong drums, the lyrics are clearer, and delivered at a much lower decibel.
A second round of the album somehow lessens the impact of the first song, allowing the entire album to be more enjoyable. Perhaps The Hum would have benefited from a different song order. One thing is certain though, Hookworms definitely establish their sound with The Hum.
Rating: Listenable