Reviewed by: Lara Supan
The only word that fully encompasses this album is “delightful”.
Floresta is a compilation of traditional Brazilian tunes, recorded in Brazil with Brazilian instrumentalists- you can’t get much more authentic than that! Each song is light, airy and fun and Todd’s voice definitely embodies the heart of Brazil. The more uptempo songs have words so percussive that they become their own instrument, and percussion players Mauricio Takara and Rogerio Martins are so subtle and tasteful it blends right in. “Chovendo Na Roseira” and “Segredos Vegtais” are some good examples of how effortless Brazilian tunes can be.
The only possible caveat to everything on the album being absolutely delightful are a few of the slower numbers, mainly “Misterios” and “Luz do Sol”. Todd seems to lack a little support in her vocals on long, sustained notes so it can be a little distracting at times. “Portal da Cor”, however, is slow and still manages to create a hauntingly beautiful sound for the entire track.
Beautiful, light, and carefree- this album well definitely get you through the oncoming winter. In no time you’ll be dreaming of a place with rain forests, beaches and lingering ocean breezes for as long as Floresta is in your ear!
Rating: Bad-Ass