Reviewed By: Lexi Bissonnette
Public Service Broadcasting released their debut album, Inform-Educate-Entertain, in America today. It is quirky right from the get go between the name, the play on the recycling mantra and cover art right onto into it’s track titles which include “Theme from PSB” and “Roygbiv”. The songs all have a mix of pop and psychedelic rock that is entertaining to listen to. The real interesting part is a lot of it seems to be informative and documentary-like not just music. It really may just change the face of entertaining music if it catches on.
“Night Mail” was such a quirky track, with it’s history in the beginning and fun beat in the back, it was stand out. “Roygbiv” was a little more on the informational side than musical but still entertaining. “The Now Generation” is a perfect testament to what this generation is going through, producing and all about. All of the tracks were the perfect fusion on education and entertainment.
Rating: Iconic